North Carolina is one of the 50 US States. This state shares borders with Virginia in north, Tennessee to its west, South Carolina and Georgia in south and on the east lies the Atlantic Ocean. Charlotte is a city in North Carolina and shares some part of its border with South Carolina. Charlotte does not border the ocean. It is a well-known commercial and financial hub. It is also for its various sporting clubs and avenues for sports. For 10 years, from 2004 to 2014, Charlotte has been the fastest growing metro area in US. This has led to spurt in population and economic activity. The Charlotte airport has assumed a lot of significance owing to this growth and has contributed a lot to speed up growth. So, if you have to fly to Charlotte, you will land at Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT). The rapid spurt in growth has made this airport the sixth busiest airport in USA in terms of aircraft movement in 2016.

CLT is the second largest hub for the largest carrier, the American Airlines, after Fort Worth in Dallas. The flight tickets to Charlotte can also be booked with many other airline companies. Notable among the international carrier flying to and from Charlotte are Lufthansa of Germany, Volaris of Mexico and Air Canada of Canada. However, it is the American carriers which take up almost 66% of total passenger traffic at airport, leaving pretty little for other carriers. American Airlines take a whopping 60% of air passenger traffic of this airport. The next higher percentage is held by Delta Airlines with just 2% of share. This makes AA a dominant carrier on this airport.
